The Michelle MacPhearson Show: Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your

The Michelle MacPhearson Show: Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your

Who Says Organic Reach Is Dead?

August 07, 2014

WHO SAYS ORGANIC REACH IS DEAD?! This Facebook Page has 350k fans, but achieved 19 MILLION reach and over 200,000 comments with just ONE post our team wrote for them. This Page has 350k fans, but got 19 MILLION reach & 200,000+ comments with just 1 post.Click To Tweet More results were uploaded over the weekend on our Social Media Daily Results page. When I posted this image to Facebook, a few folks had questions, so I’ll address them here as well: Will commented, “20m reached, 911 link clicks….” Good observation Will! The post doesn’t have a link in it. I believe the “Link Clicks” numbers are coming from the shares, where people may have edited the post and/or added their own text. Peter asked, “Where is the Organic vs. Paid results?” When there are paid actions, you see an orange bar graph, like the one below. The dark orange is paid reach and the light orange is organic. Since the post above post didn’t have any paid actions, Facebook doesn’t include the bar graph. But here’s another view for the curious: Here you can see the 19+ million in reach had absolutely zero paid views. So how did we do it? This client came to us with a passionate fan base, and that’s a critical ingredient for massive success anywhere – including Facebook. Their audience cares deeply about the niche. Our job, then, is to tap into the audience’s voice. To sound like them, to post things that they are passionate about, that they will respond to, and ultimately that they will like, comment and share. Posting when you get around to it won’t work with Facebook’s Edgerank.Click To Tweet Consistency is a key factor too. Posting once a week or so, when you get around to it, won’t work in your favor with Facebook’s visibility algorithm. We post at minimum 1x/day to all client accounts because that’s what works best. We evaluate the time(s) of day we post on a regular basis too, here’s how. Consistency is why most of our clients hire my social media team. As much as they might know their audience, they just aren’t posting with the regularity one needs to maintain high visibility within the newsfeed. It’s much easier to outsource it to a team who will take care of it day in and day out so they can continue the running of the business. Finally, images tend to do better on Facebook than other types of posts, so we rely on them heavily. This winner was an image post, and it’s no surprise. Fearmongers and naysayers be damned – Facebook’s organic reach is alive and well! You’ll be interested in the Automated Social Media Blueprint to keep that consistency in posting up. This is as easy and automated as a social strategy can get.