The Michelle MacPhearson Show: Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your

The Michelle MacPhearson Show: Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your

The Most Essential Digital Marketing Methods

July 27, 2014

Who else is surprised to see social media marketing come in at number two? In this survey by Gigaom of 300 marketing professionals, it’s used more regularly than even SEO.

Survey respondents expect to increase spending in social media marketing as well.

What’s odd is that, despite participating in and even planning to increase participation and spending on social media, 52% of respondents agree with the statement: “It is difficult to prove ROI for social media marketing.”

Having a conversation about the “ROI of social media” reminds me of attempting to rank for a high traffic keyword that just doesn’t covert. Basically, if you’re looking for a direct ROI from a social action (like a tweet) you’re probably wasting your time. Not that it doesn’t happen, but you’re missing the forest for the trees.

50% agree: Social media marketing enables me to engage with my customers on a regular basis.
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And the survey respondents, despite their response above, understand that. Fifty-one percent agree that, “Social media marketing enables me to engage with my customers on a regular basis.”

Pinterest is different – there’s a much more direct correlation to clicks = sales.

But places like Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? They are more about allowing non-committers to have a first date with you, before you get down on one knee and pop the question.

If someone's not willing to opt-in, ask them to join you on social media.
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If someone’s not willing to make a purchase or give you their email address, ask them to join you on social media.  It’s less of a commitment but an action that will move the relationship forward. If you do social media right (or have it done for you so you can focus on other areas of your business) it will grow from there to the sales/opt-ins/downloads that increase your bottom line.

The post The Most Essential Digital Marketing Methods appeared first on Michelle MacPhearson.