The Michelle MacPhearson Show: Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your

The Michelle MacPhearson Show: Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your

Will SpeakPipe Help Your Business?

August 04, 2014

Will is thinking about giving SpeakPipe a try, but wants to know if and how it’s benefitted the Michelle MacPhearson blog. In this episode, I share my findings after using the widget for 3 years. (Got your own questions for the show? Ask ’em here!)   A question from Will: Hey Michelle, Will Taylor here, On this SpeakPipe addition to your site, do you find that it is very helpful to have that? Are you getting a lot of feedback from your customers, fans, whatnot. I’m thinking about adding that to my site. What’s your overall assessment of Speakpipe? Hey Will, thanks for your question about Speakpipe. A lot of people really enjoy using it to send messages, primarily questions, for the Michelle MacPhearson Show and it has worked out really well in that regard. There’s different modes of learning, or communicating – some people prefer writing, some people like video, some people like audio, etc., so it gives those people who prefer speaking an opportunity to reach out in a way that’s most comfortable for them. It also really engages the overall audience because they’re hearing the voice of other people that are engaging with me. Then that encourages them to engage with me because it’s a social proof, but it’s on a deeper level than just text (like in a blog comment with a question in it). Overall, the SpeakPipe widget, which I’ve been using for about 3 years, provides a higher level of engagement with the audience. Give it a shot, see if your audience likes it. Technophobic type folks might not, it works really well with my audience because most of the people who are browsing my site obviously have some level of computer proficiency. It’s worth testing and seeing if your audience engages with it. I hope that answers your question Will, give it a whirl, it’s been really great for my business. If anyone has any follow up questions or perhaps something on a completely different topic, head on over to my blog and you can leave your own SpeakPipe message and I’ll answer it in a future episode.