The Michelle MacPhearson Show: Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your

The Michelle MacPhearson Show: Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your

RESULTS: Twitter Re-engagement Campaign

February 13, 2014

Results from a Twitter re-engagement campaign I’ve been running – is Twitter worth the effort anymore?

(Got your own questions for the show? Ask ‘em here!)


Hey again, Michelle MacPhearson here! It’s another episode of the Michelle MacPhearson podcast. So today, I wanted to share with you some actual results that we’ve been getting in my business. This is about walking the walk, right?

We did a Marketing Con Queso episode, Justin Brooke and I, about some of the biggest lessons learned in 2013. And one of the things that I have to keep relearning year in and year out is consistency, right? You’re not going to get anywhere in your business without doing the things that work over and over and over again. You can’t just do them once. And to that truth, I put into place some Twitter posting in December that I have some results to share with you. No, actually, it was the very end of November.

I took all of my back content at – all of the good stuff, all of the stuff that is still relevant and still matters today and that is still useful and I created a tweet that linked back to it. And that I took all of those tweets and I loaded them to BulkBuffer which then loaded them into my Buffer account automatically, without having to do each one individually. And then I scheduled those posts to go out on Twitter every single day, one a day.

The results are in now. So in the period before I started doing this, when I would just Tweet occasionally, when I had a new blog post up or something, “oh, new blog post, go read it,” that sort of thing, I got 61 visits from Twitter in the month prior. I know, super depressing, right? 61 visits, I am supposed to be like an internet marketing expert. I should be getting more traffic than that from Pinterest, right? But that’s where you have to walk your talk.

In the month after that, once we actually started publishing to Twitter regularly, every single morning, directing people back to the blog, we ended up getting 543 visits in that month from Twitter. A massive, massive increase that actually ends up being an 890% increase in traffic from an avenue that I had kind of gotten to the point that I was thinking, “It’s dead. No one’s on Twitter. No one’s paying attention anymore because you don’t get as much interaction, much actual conversation as one used to on that site.”

However, I can look at this evidence and see that people are still there and people are still actually interacting with your content, clicking through, reading the post, even if they aren’t necessarily speaking back to you on Twitter about that content.

Should you be publishing to Twitter? Of course! But that consistency, that regularity is the key. And this consistency is going to be the difference between success and failure and anything that you do online.

Twitter re-engagement campaign results

(The stats don’t 100% match up with what I said in the video, I ran a report at that time but didn’t note the exact dates I’d used. This is a graph of the same general time period give or take a couple of days. Click to enlarge.)

I happen to have some stats to prove it to you for Twitter for specifically but is this going to be the case for Pinterest, for creating blog posts, for your Facebook marketing? Of course, it is. You have got to be consistent with your promotions to get the results that you’re looking for.

I hope that these stats were able to inspire you to put some thought ahead of time into your social media marketing and the kind of content that you’re publishing on those sites, making sure that you’re doing it regularly.

Two tools that you can use are Tweriod and your Facebook Insights. Tweriod will tell you when your Twitter audience is online. If you go to Facebook Insights and then click on “Posts” in the upper navigation bar, that will tell you in the last 7 days, when most of your Facebook audience has been online.

Now, you know when to publish to Twitter and when to publish to Facebook. And then you use Buffer to set up a schedule for those sites that publishes your posts that you’ve created ahead of time during those time periods when your audiences are at most visible online.

Those are two tools to get you started. Of course, if all of this are overwhelming or if you just don’t like writing social content, of course, we can do that for you. Head on over to, and select your package and my team will actually take care of all of these details on your behalf in your voice promoting your stuff.

Those are some results, 890% increase in traffic from one social network alone, just by being consistent. So put on your consistency training wheels for the year ahead. Thanks so much and head on over to if you’ve got any questions. All right, thanks. Bye!

The post RESULTS: Twitter Re-engagement Campaign appeared first on Michelle MacPhearson.