The Michelle MacPhearson Show: Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your

The Michelle MacPhearson Show: Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your

How to Use Pinterest For Real Estate Marketing

January 17, 2014

Now is the time to start your Pinterest account if you’re in real estate – you can bring that local flavor to your boards to attract new listings. Read on for more.

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A question from Bruce:

Hey, Michelle. It’s Bruce calling from New Zealand. Michelle, I would be really interested on behalf of my partner, who is actually a real estate agent, in knowing some of the key factors behind using Pinterest marketing effectively to help promote and grow a real estate business.

What sort of pins, what sort of content should a real estate agent with a Pinterest account be building up that would be of interest to home buyers?

From what you’ve said in the past, I’m thinking content around home renovation, locations, interior decorating, all sorts of things and yet people love to look at pictures of houses including houses for sale.

So I’m a little bit confused and would really, really love your input on this because I have faith that you would know the answer to this. In fact, there’s probably an entire cost that you could design around Pinterest for real estate agents. Notwithstanding that, love to hear from you and get your take on the best way to do this. Thanks, Michelle. Bye!

Hey, Bruce. Good to hear from you. So Pinterest for real estate, right? There’s a few things that you could do and yeah, you’re headed in the right direction.

You’re going to want to focus on houses, renovations, interiors, interior decorating. The larger thing to think about or to look at is the lifestyle, overall. People buy a home with a dream of what their life would be like when they’re in that home or people begin looking for homes with that idea. So the entertaining, the warm family and friends gathered around the table, those kinds of things evoke the emotion which can help you in a site like Pinterest in terms of getting more attention, getting repins and that kind of stuff.

We want to focus on the specifics of owning a home and what the home looked like and renovation and that kind of stuff, but we also want to think a little bit about the emotion behind it too and what that home will mean to the buyers.

You’re right! People love looking at pictures of houses. People love looking at pictures of what might one day be theirs, so making sure that you create that kind of content for people too is going to be important.

For example, rather than putting up one picture of the exterior of a house that’s for sale, create a vertical-shaped Pinterest graphic that has several pictures of what you’ll get inside the house and outside as well, so that people can get a full look at what this house is about and hopefully share it.

Now the other thing too is that since real estate is a region-specific thing, you’ll want to also focus on a little bit of local content. That might be news in your area. That might be attractions, events, that kind of thing that people in a local area might be interested in following and learning more about. And when they follow your boards for information about what’s going on locally, they will then also see the homes that you or your partner has for sale.

You never know, one of them might interest them. They might be in the market, they might not be in the market, but when they see the kinds of beautiful photos that you put up and the life and the dream that they could have in those new houses, perhaps they will become your client.

So that’s the way that I would approach Pinterest marketing for a real estate agent. I hope that that gives you some jumping off points, but if it doesn’t, head on over to and ask a follow-up.

Alright! Thanks so much, Bruce and everybody else.

The post How to Use Pinterest For Real Estate Marketing appeared first on Michelle MacPhearson.