Metaverse Reverie

Metaverse Reverie

Metaverse Reverie, Episode 2 – Off the Beaten Path, We Dream

June 27, 2014

We take an extra half hour as Aleks gushes and raves about The Secret World, and somehow manage to find the time to discuss the Steam Summer Sale, the problematics of impulse buying and digital media “ownership,” solipsism, the ephemeral nature of life, Skyrim addiction, and Assassin’s Creed (among other things, and not quite in that order).
The music for this episode was provided by the fantastic Holographic Sticker Club.
Pick up “This is not a Tset” (pay what you want).
Things we forgot:
– The name of the terrifying Morrowind creepy pasta is Jvk1166.esp

(More to come as we actually hunt this information down!)