Metaverse Reverie

Metaverse Reverie

Metaverse Reverie, Episode 1 – Haxxor’s Delight

June 21, 2014

Our inaugural episode is here, and it’s chock full of Aleks and Arie’s profound insight and puckish mischief! This week, we discuss various aspects of Watch Dogs with the aid of a brilliant Multimedia Sandwich analogy, talk a little bit about the nature and history of the Noir genre, and, along the way, touch on L.A. Noire and Cole Phelps as protagonist, Hitman: Bloodmoney, Rimlag, a hypothetical (good) Adventure Time video game, Alan Moore’s Watchmen, the upcoming Second Son DLC, and old timey radio broadcasts on NPR, not in that order.
The music you hear during the intro is an excerpt from Gravitational Collapse, by The Holographic Sticker Club, and can be heard in full as part of the album “This Is Not A Tset.” The music you hear at the end is Drop 5, also by The Holographic Sticker Club. We want to thank THSC for letting us use their fantastic jams, and encourage our listeners to check out more of their work (just follow the links).
A few notes (On stuff we couldn’t remember while recording):
– Raymond Chandler was one of the progenitors of the Harboiled Genre. In the excellent HBO program Bored to Death, the fictionalized Jonathan Ames (played by Jason Schwartzman) is inspired a Chandler’s novel (Farewell, My Lovely) to become an unlicensed private investigator.
– Garfield, everyone’s favorite lasagna loving feline, was aptly played by Lorenzo Music on the animated television program Garfield and Friends.