Mentoring Ministry – Dr. Bob Abramson

Mentoring Ministry – Dr. Bob Abramson

A Black Bird, a Dove, or a Blue Jay?

September 23, 2015

I have a pleasant view from my desk in my home office, looking out into the yard. I have a bird feeder there and often watch various kinds of small birds coming to feed on the seeds we’ve put into it. The behavior patterns of the birds remind me of how people interact with each other. The blue jays patiently wait for each other to finish at the feeder before moving onto it to feed. The small doves prefer to stay on the ground under the feeder, passively waiting for seeds to fall from the other birds’ efforts to feed. They’re content to glean what has fallen to the ground. Finally, there are the black birds. They’re not content to allow each other to share in the feeder’s provision. They aggressively chase each other off the feeder and fight for every seed. Psalm 133:1 (NKJV) says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!” Isn’t it amazing how similar our behavior can be to the birds at my feeder? Some of us fight to get what we want, at the expense of others. Then there are those who are weaker. They passively wait until the more aggressive of us finishes. They’re content to glean what they can and not demand what they should. Finally, there are those of us who esteem others more highly than ourselves, willingly allowing those who are weaker to go before us and get the best. I’m Dr. Bob. God has not equipped the birds in my yard with consciences. They don’t know if what they instinctively do is right or wrong. They are designed to behave in whatever ways are best for their survival. As God’s children, we aren’t like birds. We know what’s right and God-pleasing. The Lord expects nothing less than that we imitate Christ’s behavior, and allow those who are weaker to have every advantage we can give them. If you were a bird, would you be most like a black bird, a dove or a blue jay? Why?

A Blackbird, a Dove, or a Blue Jay?