The Mental Health Day Podcast

The Mental Health Day Podcast

Mental Health Day Podcast #14: Dr. Ellen Leibenluft on DMDD and Bipolar Kids in DSM-5

April 24, 2013

Dr. Todd Finnerty talks with Dr. Ellen Leibenluft. She was a member of the DSM-5 Child and Adolescent Disorders work group and does research on kids with bipolar disorder and kids with severe, chronic irritability at the NIMH. She is responsible for the research leading to the new DSM-5 diagnosis Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD). While the last decade has seen a dramatic increase in the number of children diagnosed with bipolar disorder and treated with "more toxic" medications like antipsychotics, many of these children do not actually have a bipolar disorder. Children with chronic, severe irritability do not necessarily have bipolar disorder-- especially if they don't have clear, distinct manic episodes. These children have a better "diagnostic home" (now termed as DMDD) under DSM-5. They may benefit from "less toxic" treatment approaches. Listeners can also hear how kids around the USA can participate in Dr. Leibenluft's research. Find the details and more DMDD resources at our website