Mental Mastery

Mental Mastery

Latest Episodes

April 26, 2021

If you are looking for bad, you will find it. If you are looking for good, you will find it. Do you have a glass that is half-full or half-empty?  I am starting to see a glass that is 2 times bigger than it needs to be. I see a glass that you...

April 26, 2021

What is mentoring? By definition it means  noun an experienced and trusted adviser. And  verb advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague).   Mentoring definition is easily understood but it is so much more than that....

April 12, 2021

Resilience. Earned through time and experience. How does your tribe, your goals, your appreciation, and your health impact your ability to be more resilient? Let's discover!

Effort and Intentions
March 10, 2021

Effort and intentions. They are the 2 things you need to succeed in any situation you find yourself in. Regardless of your feedback metrics, these 2 things ensure that you are progressing towards the desired end state.  An effort has nothing to...

Anchor or Sail?
March 01, 2021

When you step back and evaluate, which are you? We are one or the other, or both. Sometimes we are an anchor for ourselves but a sail for others. I have been there before. I have also been the sail for myself but an anchor for others.  So what...

Take the Hill
March 01, 2021

What does it mean to “Take the Hill” In military terms, it is the declaration of a tactical maneuver that will include a violent assault upwards (physically) in an attempt to take the high ground. The higher ground is the tactical advantage. It...

Good to Great
February 01, 2021

How do you go from good to great? How do you become what you are meant to be? Going from good to great requires many things but it is attainable for anyone.   “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking”  Voltaire...

Break Bread
January 26, 2021

Relationship development and the impact (good and bad) of those around you.  Invest in those relationships as they keep you grounded and give you a solid foundation for personal growth.    We have discussed it many times but it is worth...

What are you looking for?
January 26, 2021

We are always searching for something. Sometimes we are afraid to look at that question and allow it to lead us somewhere. The unknown. The fear of it and what could be out there can grip you. So I ask you...what are YOU looking for? We look for...

Why Do We Seek Why?
January 26, 2021

Life has made me ask the question of why a lot this year. Why I am the way I am. Why I care. Why I get frustrated with certain things. What I’ve learned is that it’s not what I want to know why about, it’s how I ask myself.  Do I ask myself...
