Men Seeking Tomahawks

Men Seeking Tomahawks

You Know it Was a Good Game Night if it Ends With a Reverse Tesla (No. 72)

March 13, 2016

It was a tad rainy out, so the MST boys decided to stay in and game night it up... Men Seeking Tomahawks style! First off, Jack tries his hand at some amateur psychoanalysis revelry in this edition of Where Dan Stands! Then, Dan wows us all with the game sweeping the nation, Design the Douche! Finally, all games aside, the Technicolor Dream Parade of Fanciful Novelties informs you on the topics of show controversy, your Indonesian Medical Minute, and what is a reverse Tesla?! Musically speaking, this show is on point, as we listen to UK rock outfit THE DEEP SLEEPERS, New Jersey shoegazers NAKED ANT, and our Polish electronic pal, IMASGROHN! Play along at home!