Men In Childcare Podcast

Men In Childcare Podcast

Men In Childcare: Interview With Alistair Bryce-Clegg

April 10, 2013

Author of the “50 Fantastic Things … ” series of practical, fun and unusual ideas, Alistair Bryce-Clegg is also well known for his consultancy and Conferences.

Alistair has proved that being a man in Early Years Childcare is not only possible, but can also be inspiring for others – both men and women.

In this podcast interview, Alistair and I chat about what drew him to the Early Years sector, how settings can be more appealing to men and some of his funniest moments. As engaging as ever, Alistair also gives some great advice for any men who are thinking of joining the sector.

To find out more about Alistair and his work, visit

This is the first in my series of podcasts on Men in Early Years Childcare. You can subscribe to get the podcasts automatically on iTunes by clicking here:


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Men In Childcare: Interview With Alistair Bryce-Clegg is a post from: Kathy Brodie: Early Years Training Courses and Coaching for Early Years Professionals

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