Podcasts | Susie Meister

Podcasts | Susie Meister

The Brainy Bunch Authors: Kip and Mona Lisa Harding

September 16, 2014

Despite the fact that my sister was homeschooled and my brother homeschools his daughters, I had a pretty cynical and smug attitude toward homeschooling (and to some extent, I still do).  What I like about the authors of The Brainy Bunch: The Harding Family’s Method to College Ready by Age 12 is that they are committed to providing the best education for their kids and accelerating the kids’ learning as much as possible. This has resulted in 7 of their 10 kids going to college by the age of 12 and the other three on pace to do the same. Their children include a successful doctor, architect, and more.  Their book (which you can buy here) is a fascinating description of how and why they did it, and how they avoided the pitfalls of creating sheltered kids with a limited worldview. I am interested in providing the best education possible for my child, and this book made me realize I have a lot more options than I used to think. Even if homeschooling is out of the question for your family, the Hardings show how to make the most of your time with your kids to help them foster their talents and interests. I think that’s something we should all support!