Susie Meister

Susie Meister

Pamela Druckerman: New York Times Best-Selling Author, Bringing Up Bebe

November 12, 2014

As the mama of a toddler, I kept hearing about Pamela Druckerman’s book Bringing Up Bebe: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting. I was skeptical because I have an aversion to the fetishizing of the French, especially among women, but I was intrigued all the same.  The book was wonderful in part because it provides insight into how Americans have come to parent, and why it often inadvertently holds them hostage.  It’s also wonderful because it offers hope for those parents who feel imprisoned by the job and experience a loss of identity in the midst of child-rearing.

Since that book became an international best-seller, author Pamela Druckerman followed up with French Children Don’t Throw Food and Bebe Day By Day: 100 Keys to French Parenting. A combo book of Bringing Up Bebe and Bebe Day By Day is available now in paperback.

Here we talk about her books, what she’s learned about parenting, and the differences between American and French parenting. Check out her website here.  Enjoy!