Susie Meister

Susie Meister

Gabrielle Glaser: Author, Her Best Kept Secret: Why Women Drink and How They Can Regain Control

September 23, 2014

Gabrielle Glaser’s book, Her Best Kept Secret: Why Women Drink and How They Can Regain Control, will undoubtedly resonate with many women who have asked themselves if they drink too much. In this insightful book, Glaser describes the relationship women have had with alcohol over American history, and discusses issues of gender, women’s rights, and depression along the way. She, perhaps controversially, disagrees with the way 12-step programs are seen as the catch-all solution for addiction and abuse, and argues these programs are not the sole solution in helping people struggling with alcohol abuse and/or over-drinking. Among the fascinating elements in her book is her discussion of how women have taken on jobs outside of the home without gaining much relief from domestic duties. These added stresses contribute to women self-medicating and de-stressing through alcohol. Glaser provides an abundance of information about women and alcohol, and also offers alternative methods for curbing over-drinking as a means of stress relief.  Please pick up her book here–it’s a tremendously interesting and fascinating read.