Live and Dare Podcast: Meditation, Consciousness & Nonduality Wisdom

Live and Dare Podcast: Meditation, Consciousness & Nonduality Wisdom

Episode 16: Interview with Miten—Music and Mantras for Spiritual Growth

December 24, 2019

In this podcast episode I have the pleasure to interview Miten who, together with his partner Deva Premal, have greatly inspired me through their music, songs and mantras.

Topics Covered:
- His transformation from Andy Desmond (the rock musician) to Miten (the creator of spiritually-themed songs)
- What he learned from his master Osho, and his time in the ashram
- The need for being egoless when chanting mantras
- The meaning of holding silence at the end of the concerts (instead of clapping)
- The difference between singing mantras, chanting mantras and Kirtan
- How he comes up with the songs, and selects the mantras
- His meditation journey and current practice
- How his music retreats work
- What is next for him in life and music
- The importance of finding your mantra, and committing to the practice