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Osteopathic Residencies and D.O. Match Statistics

September 27, 2014

Episode 99: Learn the 5 pathways possible for osteopathic physicians and their chances of matching into a residency.

Osteopathic Residency Match and Scramble:

Residency options: 5 pathways
Board certification
Malignant residency programs
D.O. match and scramble rates
NRMP Match and Scramble Course
Further reading

D.O’s or the Doctor of Osteopathic is a fully licensed physician who specializes in all of the areas of medicine. D.Os differs from M.Ds; not like M.Ds who deals with specific symptoms and illnesses, D.Os regard the body as a whole thing. For med students who are applying for the match this is the one to aim at. This will give you a lot of clinical and residency time to be able to gain the right experience you need.
The Osteopathic Options:
AOA: American Osteopathic Assn.

The AOA serves as the primary certifying body for DOs, and is the accrediting agency for all osteopathic medical college and health care facilities.

ACGME: Accreditation Council for GME

ACGME is the agency that’s responsible for the accreditation of post-MD medical training programs.

See this site to know what you need in order qualify for an application for ACGME.

AOA Residency (internship incl.)
AOA Prelim. (mostly at same institution)
AOA Traditional Internship (stand-alone)
ACGME (internship)
ACGME (residency)

AOA Boarded?
1. D.O.’s want Osteopathic Board Cert.

2.  Some states require AOA internship for Osteopathic Licensure

3. Can get AOA approval for doing ACGME internship

4. In 2006, there were only 90 dual ABMS-AOA programs out of over 8,000

AOA-Approved ACGME

From July 2007 to December 2007

1,603 D.O. petitions
1,217 (76%) approved
369 (23%) pending completion


99% total