3. What is MEDIA PROS?

March 08, 2021

I want to explain what Media PROS actually is. Obviously if you are listening to this (or watching it), you know it is the name of the show - The Media PROS Show.

Now on one hand, the word pro suggests excellence. I am giving you tips to being a media professional. Getting all the interviews you want to build your business and being great in those interviews.

But you have probably noticed that the word PROS is all capitalized. There is a reason for that.

Media PROS is a system, a system I developed and teach, that will help you succeed on TV, radio, podcasts, newspaper, magazine, and online appearances.

Let me start by explaining how I got here. How I started in the media, struggled, and then succeeded wildly.

I have been appearing in the media since 2006. I was the director of sports medicine at an academic medical institution, trying to grow the program. But any large academic institution, like many corporations, has layer upon layer of bureaucracy. I really struggled to convince marketing of the need to invest resources into helping me grow the program.

Fortunately, I became friends with the woman who ran the institution's Public Relations department. On a few occasions, she had asked my department chair if someone could could do an interview for a local media outlet - TV usually, but newspaper and other interviews. I offered to do them. She thought I was good in those interviews, and she encouraged me to do more of them.

I was happy to, because I saw it as an opportunity to grow my sports medicine program. I'd talk to any reporter or do any TV or radio show, any time.

But one of the challenges in any large organization is that there are many parties involved. This PR director couldn't spend all her time and effort just getting me interviews. She had all the other departments and all the other physicians to get involved with the hope of promoting the institution.

So I started to reach out to the media on my own and try different strategies to get more media interviews and appearances.

But I struggled - a lot - in the first few years. I made a ton of mistakes, learning largely through trial and error. None of those mistakes were catastrophic, but they cost me a lot of time and money, simply because I was making it up as I went.

I want to save you all that wasted time and money and teach you the system that has worked to get me over 2000 appearances - in every type of media, from local markets to national publications and shows.

And yes, I've worked with two publicists. If you would rather not learn a system to get your own interviews and instead pay someone to get them for you, I know first-hand what they can and cannot do to get you media exposure.

I've taken numerous media training courses.
I've worked with some of the top media coaches and trainers in the country.
I've spent over a quarter-of-a-million dollars investing in my media career, working with those publicists, coaches and trainers, and over 10 years of trial-and-error before I perfected my Media PROS system that I use today.
My Media PROS system is a framework.

This is a framework, a blueprint so to speak, for long-term media success. For building your business by becoming a media PRO.

That's why I call it the PROS media framework.

Overall framework

P - Purpose and Preparation
R - Relationships
O - Outreach
S - Strategies for Success

And here's the thing. You can't do one part without implementing the others. Even if you have success once, you won't have sustained, long-term success.

My system works. And it works for anyone that will put in the effort. Now if you're one of those people that want all of the rewards but aren't willing to do...