Mediacurrent Dropcast

Mediacurrent Dropcast

Dropcast: Episode 18- Try, Try Again

April 14, 2016

This episode we are going to have an interview with Matt Davis, to talk about his work with Weather Underground, and decoupling Drupal from the presentation layer, or die trying. This is our second third take on Episode 18, and we need to thank Oscar Mejivar for coming on. We will be re-recording that episode at a later date, so please tune in because outside my horrible production skills, it’s was a great topic and we want to share it with you. Stay tuned. In the meantime, go check out 18 Audio Download LinkUpdates:Show notes and past episodes available at in iTunes or Stitcher.Mediacurrent is hiring. Go to your questions to: dropcast@mediacurrent.comMost if not all of our articles come from TheWeeklyDrop. The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week, which we turn around and steal.Mediacurrent Blog Mentions:Mark & Ryan: Friday 5: 5 Minutes on Configuring Your Drupal SiteMatt Davis: Building with Drupal & Angular 2: An IntroductionCarie Fisher: Easy Ways to Make Your Website More AccessibleMatt Davis Interview:Applied Progressive Decoupling:, Angular and DrupalHi Matt, tell us what your role with Mediacurrent isFun fact, Mark, Matt and myself started with Mediacurrent the same day.  No question here, just wanted to say that LOL.As far as I can recall, you’ve been pretty much dedicated to the project pretty much since you started.  What role have you played in the deployment of the new was launched a while back but you continue to work on a related project, can you talk abou that?There was a recent article by Acquia/Dries about the approach Mediacurrent took to make decoupled.  You spoke about that at SandCamp and will also be speaking at DrupalCon in New Orleans.  Can you give us a brief summary of that process, frameworks you used, etc?Now that you are working on Weather underground, you have been relocated to SF.  There you actually had a chance to meet with Google’s Engineers behind Angular 2 to discuss how you are implementing Angular 2 in weather underground.  What was the reason for meeting with Google?You’ll be one speaking at an upcoming conference, can you tell us about that? ( you have a webinar coming up at AcquiaI hear you’re also actively working on building a Drupal 8 module that allows for progressive decoupling based on the TWC model. How’s that going?Pro Project Pick:UnicodeNormal News:Two New Board Members for the Drupal AssociationDrupal 8.0.6 ReleasedCoding Standards Proposals for Final Discussion on 4/1D8FTW: REST-Aware RoutingD8FTW: REST in Core The Final Bell:15 Steps to Life Without Drupaler BurnoutWhat's Coming in Drupal 8.1Use Drupal 8 Cache Tags with Varnish and Purge