The Mother&DaughterHood Show

The Mother&DaughterHood Show

Education: Research

July 11, 2015

In this episode--Episode 13-- we discuss Research and the role it plays in our overall education.  We discuss how our learning does not stop at school and how we can go about finding the information that we seek.

In our Fluff Topic this week, we discuss our favorite types of movies and some of our favorite movies. Not surprisingly, most of Bean Bean's favorites are animated (although many of mine are as well)!

This week, I review the book The Cutting Season by Attica Locke.  Bean Bean and I have decided on a five hearts rating system, and I give this book three hearts out of five.  Details in the show.

We give a historical spotlight to Richard Wright this week.  Most of the information for this spotlight came from the children's book Richard Wright and the Library Card by William Miller and R. Gregory Christie.

Well, that does it for this week!  As always, thanks for listening.  Leave a comment and let us know what you think! You can also head over to iTunes to subscribe!