Success, Motivation & Inspiration

Success, Motivation & Inspiration

Ivan Anz

February 22, 2022

Ivan Anz is a successful international entrepreneur with business in more than 12 countries. In 2014, while he created the Philanthroinvestor® Phenomena, Ivan also founded Equity & Help, Inc. to initiate the Real Estate Philanthroinvestor® Program. The program tagline of “growing your capital while helping low-income families,” represents an innovative new take on real-estate investment that maximizes returns for investors and also makes homeownership a reality for a traditionally underserved segment of society.

With a focus on “Recovering the American Dream of homeownership”

Ivan pioneered the first PHILANTHROINVESTOR® system using Real Estate as the vehicle. To do this, Equity & Help acquires US houses from banks at wholesale prices and makes them available to investors for far below current market prices. The company also helps find home-seeking families to fix up, live in, and take care of the properties.

Ivan has been featured on CBS NEWS, ABC, NBC, and Fox. He also authored a book in 2018 titled “The Real Estate Philanthroinvestor®,”


In 2019, Equity & Help was recognized by the Inc. 500 for the company’s 3-year growth rate of 2,729%, representing the #128 fastest growing company in the nation, as well as the 10th and 2nd fastest Highlights growing company in Florida and Tampa Bay, respectively.


  • Owner – Toyota Allianz Dealership Network Argentina
  • Founder – Equity & Help, Inc (USA)
  • Inc 500 2019’s Greatest Entrepreneurs
  • The Startup Weekly’s 2019 Founders to Watch Award
  • BUILD 2019 Real Estate and Property Award
  • Best Community Impact Investment Specialists – USA
  • Most Philanthropic Real Estate Investment System 2019

Ivan’s entrepreneurial spirit emerged at the age of seven when he used his Go-Kart to lease it to his friends and neighborhoods while selling them candies. Ivan then continued at the age of 14 when he created mountain adventures with 4 x 4 vehicles for customers of his family-owned car dealership in Argentina. He acquired support from the Federal Committee of his state, in Argentina, as well as BBVA (Banco Francés).

At the age of nineteen, Ivan launched his first international venture as a distributor of Herbalife®, the network marketing giant. In just two years, at age of twenty-one, Ivan reached the “Millionaire Team”, selling $1 million annually. He was actually the youngest person of the Millionaire Team all over the American continent and he ran the fastest growing team across seven countries in Latin America.

At the age of twenty-three, after he married his wife Bella, Ivan assisted his family to convert their small family business into the Number One car dealership group in Argentina, selling Toyota and Peugeot. His state is the province with the best financial management and economic indicators in Argentina. Toyota Allianz is in the #10 Toyota Dealerships in Argentina based on Toyota’s “Management Excellence” standards.

As the dealerships matured in 2007, Ivan ventured into the real estate development industry with his first real estate development being one of the most prestigious private neighborhoods of his state.

In 2014 Ivan decided to expand his entrepreneurial spirit into the US and moved to live at the Tampa Bay Area, where he is currently residing.

What is a PhilanthroInvestor?

“A PHILANTHROINVESTOR® is someone who invests money and time, engaging emotionally to promote human welfare while earning a financial return.” What we are doing is marrying the idea of philanthropy and investments together. Let’s invest but let’s invest with a purpose. Let’s be well by doing good. We all live in synchrony, in union; whatever you do today will return to you tomorrow.

Why did the founder choose PhilanthroInvesting in areas such as air, water, housing, etc.?

My vision is to increase the condition of the necessary commodities. I want to create a litter-free world where every family owns their home

I want to create a world in which the air we breathe is free from damaging particles; a world in which water is returned to its purest form, A world of healthy, pure, and organic food accessible by everyone, and so on.

What worries you the most?

The suffering of other people. I am a true believer that we can always find a solution to any problem and that is what we should do. For example, there is no reason for 925 million people to be hungry while we waste 1,3 billion of food every year.

Tell me about a specific moment that set you on the path you’re on now?

The whole PhilanthroInvestors idea was born In Argentina. I met a couple who dreamt about having their own house so their kids could run around and play, they wanted to have their home. However, they were not able to come up with the down payment for a standard bank loan. And then it struck me. I was the one to help them. I owner financed their new home. This made me so happy that I went ahead and founded a company called Equity & Help. By today we have helped almost 500 families who would never become homeowners with a traditional loan. And that is only one of my PhilanthroInvestors companies.

What is your advice for someone making an important decision?

Your intuition along with good research (do your homework) Planet Earth needs innovative thinkers who lead the way and can analyze true data for decisions.

If you could recommend one book for our audience, what would it be?

Not a long time ago I read a book called The Natural Laws of Management – The Admin Scale. This book was actually written by Mr. Arte Maren, the chairman of my Family Office. I really like how Mr. Maren explains easily how anybody, individual or business, can achieve any goals as long as they know the correct steps.

How do you push through tough times?

I realize that everything will come out well in the end. And if it is not good, it is not the end! I also have great support from my lovely wife Bella Anz. She is the sun, the power, the captain of my life.

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

Look before you leap. Think it through and never…. ever, doubt your abilities. Make sure you enjoy every moment of your life. I am not going to use the cliché “life is too short”. But make sure that every minute of your life counts.

Connect with Ivan Anz below

Website: PhilanthroInvestors

Facebook: PhilanthroInvestors

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LinkedIn: PhilanthroInvestors