Success, Motivation & Inspiration

Success, Motivation & Inspiration

Hollie Kitchens on the Success, Motivation & Inspiration podcast

September 19, 2019

I'm super excited to have the opportunity to interview Hollie Kitchens and share her expertise with our audience! Hollie is the CEO/Founder of the DIY Legend, CEO/Founder of "Lady Legend Boutique", host to "Unleash Your Inner Legend podcast" and co-founder of "Women Elevation".

One of Hollie’s core values is continually growing and getting better. If she’s not working or spending time with her family; Hollie dedicates a lot of her time to honing her knowledge both professionally and personally by hiring professional coaches, attending seminars, consuming herself with personal development and surrounding herself with like-minded people.

I love what Hollie describes as her "WHY": Hollie lives to inspire people to let go of limiting beliefs so that they can unleash their inner legend and live the life they were intended to!

I've got a bunch of questions for Hollie. Let's get started!

Below are some insights from Hollie Kitchens. Enjoy!

What is your personal definition of success?

The first word that comes to mind when I hear success is happiness. I feel like success is living and doing the life you really want to do with the people want to do it with that makes you happy. It's not an event but a process. It's living life to your highest standard and not settling, to me that's a success. I don't think it matters if you want to live a life full of money and fame or a life of volunteering, success to me is doing what makes you live your why and fuels your passion. I've met some pretty lonely millionaires and to me, that's not a success.

Can you share the steps you take daily to improve?

On a daily basis, I make sure to stretch my mind. Reading a book, listening to an educational podcast or audiobook..something that's going to make me grow and not get comfortable. Learning from others, especially others excelling at what I want to be doing is the best way to keep me motivated. I also make sure to take time and be present. If I'm working, I'm working. If I'm with family, I'm with family. Being present in the moments that matter the most are a great way to feel accomplished and when I feel accomplished I keep doing more. Being aware of the food I fuel my body is also a huge thing for me. I don't have a special diet or anything just that awareness and common sense of what is good/bad for me. Lastly, it's taking time to be grateful and acknowledging my wins for the day. That's the perfect way to end the day for me.

What is your advice for someone making an important decision?

Always be aware of what you are saying "no" to when you say yes. I think a lot of people tend to do things and overcommit before realizing what they've committed to. Take time to bounce the idea off of a mentor or someone you look up to. Allow it to digest, if possible sleep on it. I know I personally can be compulsive on making decisions that cause me to act on emotion vs logic. So I make sure to fully understand what I'm committing to and what that will do for future opportunities. Also, take into consideration of those around you that it will affect. Whatever you go with, make sure it's bringing you closer to your goals and not distracting you. When I've made up my mind on something I ACT on it with no regrets.

Tell me about a specific moment that set you on the path you’re on now?

At first, I'd say when I launched my boutique and was "a real owner" of a business, however, the more I think about it it was when I started real estate. Before real estate I was in banking and when I was released of the corporate constraints I starting to really find my creative outlet on DIY marketing. Being in real estate is a trip - you can go from having the best month ever to the worst. Your paycheck is based upon the work you put in. I loved having that freedom to market myself...