MCM CommerceChat

MCM CommerceChat

How to Effectively Managing Your Brand Messaging in a National Crisis

May 05, 2020

In these uncertain times, retailers and brands are facing many significant challenges as stores and fulfillment centers have been shut down, and are now thankfully starting to reopen slowly. Given all that, they need to avoid self-inflicted wounds in their brand messaging and actions. For example, the endless tinkling piano in numerous lookalike ads from brands that are there for us and standing with us, as well as PPP loan give-backs only after customers complained. So how should brands be managing their messaging at this sensitive time, expressing empathy without overdoing it?
Deb Gabor, CEO of brand strategy consultancy Sol Marketing, has led brand and crisis strategy engagements for Dell, Microsoft, HomeAway and RetailMeNot, among others. She joins our MCM CommerceChat podcast to discuss brand messaging do’s and don’t’s in the days of COVID-19.