The Mobile Commerce Minute with Rob Woodbridge and Chuck Martin

The Mobile Commerce Minute with Rob Woodbridge and Chuck Martin

Chrysler has 1.4 million reasons to embrace the Internet of Things…quickly

July 24, 2015

Chrysler ran into a PR nightmare this week with the controlled hack of a Jeep while it was cruising along the highway. They managed to mess around with the air conditioning and stereo and then shut down the engine - all while the helpless driver panicked. The significance cannot be overlooked as we enter a new world of connected everything AND as congress looks at controlling the messages (read: advertising) and data that can infiltrate and be collected while we drive our cars. This surely won't help ease everyone's mind will it? The outcome from this little Wired experiment (found here) is a recall of 1.4 million Jeeps. As Chuck details in this special episode, this can only help move the industry along...