MicroCap Investing

MicroCap Investing

MI 29: Interview With Andrew Walker Portfolio Manager At Rangeley Capital And Special Situations Enthusiast

December 24, 2015

Check out our latest interview with Andrew Walker Portfolio Manager at Rangeley Capital. Walker stopped by the show to chat about finding special situations and a about a deep value investment he likes. In typical Walker fashion he opened up about a lot more and gave us his insight on everything from assessing management to the importance of rights offerings.Links:http://www.rangeleycapital.com/ (http://www.rangeleycapital.com/)http://seekingalpha.com/author/andrew-walker-cfa?s=andrew-walker-cfa (http://seekingalpha.com/author/andrew-walker-cfa?s=andrew-walker-cfa)We discuss:* Where to find special situations and value stocks * The Pharmaceutical space * The value of Net Operating Losses * M&A Arbitrage * QLT Inc. (QLT) * Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores (SHOS)Announcements:Return of an old guest next week!Happy HolidaysTarsier Capital Management, LLC may buy or sell securities mentioned on this blog for client accounts or for the accounts of principals. For a full accounting of Tarsier’s holdings please email, info@tarsiercm.com.