MicroCap Investing

MicroCap Investing

MI 27: Interview With Tim Eriksen of Eriksen Capital, Discussing Proxy Battles And Investing In Money Managers

December 07, 2015

Check out our latest interview with Tim Eriksen of Eriksen Capital. Known for his proxy battle with Solitron Devices and his work with The Value Investing Congress, Eriksen is a traditional value investor. He discusses where he has been investing lately and other thoughts on finding value.Announcement: Today registration opened for The MicroCap Conference Toronto (http://microcapconf.com/) - April 11th and 12th.http://www.eriksencapital.com/ (http://www.eriksencapital.com/)We discuss:* Launching a successful proxy battle * Why Eriksen gravitates towards publicly traded money managers * The Walkers Manual * Hennessy Advisors (HNNA) * Solitron Devices (SODI)Tarsier Capital Management, LLC may buy or sell securities mentioned on this blog for client accounts or for the accounts of principals. For a full accounting of Tarsier’s holdings please email, info@tarsiercm.com.