Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

21: Stacey Copas – Resilience & Adversity

June 29, 2016

This episode is all resilience and seeing adversity as a gift.
Stacey is Australia’s #1 keynote speaker and facilitator on resilience delivering keynote speeches, training and coaching to organisations such as Telstra, South East Water and CSIRO. Her first book “How To Be Resilient”, which has been endorsed by Brian Tracy, Layne Beachley and Jack Delosa, was published in 2015.  Stacey has been featured by Financial Review, ABC radio and The Australian for her insights on resilience in the workplace. Stacey is also an Ambassador for the Layne Beachley Foundation Aim For The Stars. More recently Stacey has added athletics to her repertoire after 22 years of inactivity to further stretch her comfort zones, becoming the first women in her classification to compete in Australia, and is training to qualify for the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo.
There are so many key takeaways from this episode. We discuss:

* grief and acceptance
* responsibility
* intention
* support
* language
* resilience vs persistence

Stacey shares 3 of her 9 tips for building resilience from her book, How to be Resilient.
To Stacey resilience is an opportunity for growth. It is the ability to respond positively and quickly to change and diversity. It is the ability to see the opportunity in adversity. It is shifting the way we look at things – shifting the perspective. Resilience is knowing what to quit and knowing whether what you are quitting is not right or difficult.
You can keep in contact with Stacey Copas at staceycopas.com
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SpeakerStacey
Instagram and Twitter @staceycopas
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/staceycopas
Music before interview: http://www.bensound.com “Tenderness”