Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

20: Limiting Beliefs

June 27, 2016

The blocks and limiting beliefs that we tell ourselves we have aren’t reinforced impenetrable steel walls. The don’t even exist in material form.  They aren’t something you have to physically manoeuvre around. They are just thoughts. They may play out in our lives in material ways perhaps, but they are not physical hurdles, physical walls or physical mountains. And if they were a physical wall or physical mountain I think many of us would just rally and conquer it. Our body could take the pressure, we just need to make sure our mind was not going to hold us back. It’s the imaginary thoughts that seem to hold us paralysed, limited and restricted. We often mistake our thoughts as a higher power, something more knowledgeable and powerful. Don’t confuse them for intuition. Don’t be an accomplice to them building walls around your life. And don’t go convincing yourself you have blocks and limiting beliefs.