Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

14: Essential Oils

May 25, 2016

Essential oils have been a large part of my life for the last 18months. I seriously don’t know what I did in my life without them. I use them everyday. I have my go-to regulars, DigestZen on my tummy (blend of essential oils that help with digestion), Frankincense behind my ears, Salubelle (blend of stunning oils that help with complexion and skin) on my face, Geranium on my heart, Wild Orange oil in my water and Lavender Peace (blend of calming soothing help you sleep essential oils) at night. Then I add into that what I’m feeling like I need. Sometimes for emotional things, sometimes for focus and concentration, sometimes for a delicious meditation. People often comment on my fragrance (let me assure you it’s always completely), but I can never really tell them what it is – I’m my own unique essential oil blend :)
But then there are the essential oils I use for cleaning and doing laundry, or if I’m not feeling well or hurt myself. I’m not kidding – I had no idea what I did without them. Actually I can say, I didn’t have a fragrance and I just rode out being sick. My beauty routine was bare essentials as I’d already detoxed my life from harmful chemicals and products, so it was all rather bland. Now I am still “au naturel” but now I feel like I’m packing an awesome “au naturel” punch utilising the gifts of nature.
Important things I talk about in this episode are:
What are essential oils?
Limbic system and smell. (I don’t get to science-y though I promise)
What to look for in essential oils?
How do essential oils support us?
Good vibrations :)
And I introduce you to a few essential oils that could support you in your life and living your extraordinary life.
I would love to talk to you about essential oils and help you find some essential oils that can help you start living a higher vibration awesome sweet smelling life. Email me at naomi@naomidaveson.com and tell me what is going on for you, what aspect of the oils resonated most for you and what you’d like to get some support with.
I do get really frustrated that I have to be really careful on what I can tell you essential oils are good for, though I completely understand why. Good quality essential oils are very powerful and can be very potent and we need to be mindful of that when we use them. There is lots of research and information on essential oils out there and I really do encourage everyone to do their own research and speak to their health practitioner to make sure essential oils are safe for them. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, want to use them on a baby or child or have health conditions and using other medication you should do your research and get the right support.
I’ll finish on this note though, essential oils are natural and have amazing properties, and whether your argument is that they are too woo-woo and can’t possibly have an effect, or that they are harmful and should be treated with caution, I urge you to take the same line of questioning with the pharmaceuticals and other chemicals and processed products you might use, do they actually work? Do they do more harm then good? What vital feedback are the suppressing and covering up in your body? And are they even necessary?