Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

13: Expect Miracles

May 23, 2016

Have you ever been in a situation where it feels like everything is falling to pieces? The walls are falling down around you?
Have you ever had something big coming up in your life that you know has the potential to be like a rollercoaster so in the lead up you ask the Universe for ease and flow throughout the event, that you are handing over all expectations of the situation, that you aren’t holding on to specific outcome, that you have trust and faith that it will all work out as it is supposed to and you are going to have everything you need to ride the journey? You proclaim that you are enough as you are and equipped with what you need to make it through.
Then the days leading up to that big situation or event starts to get closer and closer and you are taking deeper and deeper breathes at more and more moments through out the day and you are handing over all the anxieties that keep coming up and the anticipation of how to navigate the course keeps creeping up. You are doing everything you can to be prepared for the situation whilst being fully aware that what comes up during the event is something that can only be addressed at the time.
Then the next thing you know the big event arrives, and you tell yourself “I’ve got this!”. You take a deep breath, buckle up and prepare yourself for what’s ahead, seemingly still confident and still full of trust and faith that the Universe has your back. But before you know it things are falling apart and a massive hurdle pops up in your way and you have no idea how this is going to work out in your favour.
Have you ever had someone tell you right in the midst of those that “It’s okay. It’ll work out”? They follow it up with a heaps of solutions that you write off because you’ve tried it, that person wouldn’t possible help you out, there’s not enough time and really because all hope is lost. Now this hurdle and event, despite everything you have ever navigated your way through and managed to rise above and came out unscathed and perfectly fine from before,  this situation you find yourself in right now is worse than all of them…and this time you’re screwed.
Have you ever caught yourself saying or thinking in those moments, “positive affirmations and self talk aren’t going to help me now,”and feeling that it’s too late to ask for a miracle?
Well I want to remind you that miracles happen in those tough moments too and that actually, it’s in those moments you need to expect miracles. It’s in what seems like the toughest of times that you need to believe, have  faith and trust. That is when you need to hold on to hope, but let go of control.
So many times we find ourselves in tough and difficult situations. We are all struggling with our own battles, or preparing for one, or healing our wounds from one that you didn’t get out of completely unscathed. We all have a struggles, and so often we forget that when we talk to someone at work, in a store, at a restaurant or cafe or that person you are frustrated with at the store or in front you in the line.
Not only do I want to remind you that if you are currently in one of those hard times that you will be okay, that you are loved and supported, that there is a way out of this and that your miracle is coming and in fact it is now you need to expect one, but I also want to remind you that you are not alone in struggling. You never know the struggle someone you encounter is going through behind their facade so it’s so important to be kind, to ourselves and to other people.
It’s so easy to think that we are the only one going through something, but I assure you, there may very well be someone who comes across you and thinks they are the one with all the problems and your life is perfect.
Expect miracles everyday; in the highest of moments when you are beaming like sunshine, and during your toughest struggles. Let got of control and hold on to hope. And be kind.