Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

12: Tanya Cross – Demartini Method

May 18, 2016

When I was in the depths of my Adrenal Fatigue I started seeing a Demartini Method (DM) consultant to get to the bottom of some underlying limiting beliefs that I felt were holding me back in my life and keeping me stuck in Adrenal Fatigue. After studying psychology at university and being not very inspired by the counselling techniques taught, namely Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and after time seeing therapists myself that I never really felt dealt with the issues, I really liked the DM and its process.
It’s an absolute thrill to chat with Tanya Cross who is a Human Behaviour Expert, International Speaker, Counsellor and Director at GriefAndLossCounselling.Com & Counsellors of Wisdom. She has an in-depth knowledge of human behaviour and has helped thousands of people master their lives through mastering their mind. After intense study and training, she is the first Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator in Australia and 7th in the world.  She has a breadth of knowledge on human behaviour, leadership, health, grief, and maximising human potential. She has spoken for Adult Shop’s Passion and Pleasure program alongside well-known relationship counsellor, Dr John Gray, and taught Breakthrough Integration Day, a program that consolidates the learning’s of Dr John Demartini’s Breakthrough Experience. She conducts her own online seminars on wealth creation, sexuality, personal empowerment, uncovering your purpose and much more.
Tanya believes your inner world is a reflection of your outer world and as you transform, the world around you transforms.
Questions we cover:
What is the DM and how does it help?
How is DM different from seeing someone like a psychologist, counsellor or therapist?
If someone was struggling with a person or certain type of person in their life, how can the DM help?
How can DM help someone who feels they keep coming up against some blocks/fears in their life?
How does someone find out what their highest values are and why is knowing our highest values really important?
How does DM help with physical illness?
Key Takeaways:
DM is a process of shifting perceptions and rewiring the way the brain perceives experiences.
DM shifts the experience from a crisis to a blessing.
DM is based on the idea that in life there is duality; benefits and drawbacks, ups and downs.
If we change the questions we ask ourselves we change our perception. “The quality of our life is determined by the quality of questions that you ask.”
All experiences are serving us and we need to ask how that perception of the event be it happy or sad is serving us. Negative emotions serve us just like positive emotions.
“It is not what happens to you but how you perceive it that makes a difference”
We store emotions in our body.
There are 7 areas of life that DM works on.
Judgement separates us. “If you spot it, you’ve got it” Meaning if there is a personality trait in someone that is irritating or frustrating or upsetting you, you also have that personality trait and DM helps you neutralise the emotional charge around that emotion so it no longer sets you off.
DM helps change the physiology of the body, and it helps with reducing stress in our body.
There is always an unconscious reason we create what we do.
“The only person in the way of you doing something magnificent or bigger than what you are currently doing, is you.”
“The only reason we don’t take a step forward is because we perceive more downsides to upsides or more drawbacks and benefits.
DM empowers us in every area of our life.
Woman empowerment through discussing sexuality has a ripple effect into other areas of a woman’s life.