Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

9: The Success of Normal People

May 08, 2016

During a recent trip to Sydney there was one striking theme that was highlighted again and again. Successful people are normal people who have persevered, struggled, and consistently made actions towards their dreams.
There are a lot of people who were brought up in rich homes, loving stable homes, who have never experienced your hardships that are unsatisfied with their life. There are people who are worse off and had a childhood and/or experiences that you would never trade for yours that are successful and creating the most extraordinary life. What ever your story about why you can’t achieve your big dream…it’s just that…a story. It is just an excuse to use something in your past to define who you can and can’t be in the future.
The more stories I hear about people who create extraordinary lives the more I learn that they are not freaks of nature. They are normal human beings just like you and me. They have their own stories of hardships, set backs, heartbreaks, naysayers, negative self-talk and struggles. Naomi Simson talks about passion, perserverance and purpose and this something all successful people have. The fact that they dared to dream, the fact that they kept going, that is what allows them to create an extraordinary life. There is no reason you can’t create yours.