Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

Mind Body Soul Sessions with Naomi Daveson

6: Desley Faulks Bowen Therapy

April 27, 2016

In October of 2006 Desley realised a life dream opening The Brisbane Healing & Training Centre in Brisbane Australia. Her mission is to provide a centre of professional Therapists, to teach the Bowen technique, and to assist people in understanding and managing their health needs. Desley has around 22 years of hands on experience in the Healing Industry.
She has been a presenter at many Bowen Therapy world conferences for Bowtech and Bowenwork in places such as Geelong Australia which is the home of Tom Bowen and the Bowen Technique, in Connecticut USA at Yale University, in Sydney and Italy. Desley is dedicated to learning about human anatomy, how this beautiful technique supports our body heal and is a wonderful teacher of this therapy.
Desley was my first Bowen Therapist many years ago and was the catalyst for my healing journey on a mind, body and soul level. In this episode I talk a lot about my own experience with Bowen Therapy on and off the table.
Some questions I ask:
What is Bowen Therapy?
How can it help people achieve an extraordinary life?
What are “reactions” that you can get during or after a session?
Can stress and emotions manifest in the body?
How benefits from having Bowen Therapy?
What is one big lesson you have learnt about the human body with all of your experience facilitating healing in people?
My key takeaways:
Bowen Therapy:
–   is natural and non-invasive therapy using a series of gentle moves across the body.
–   improves lymphatic system and help assimilate nutrition and cleansing of toxins.
–   empowers the body to heal itself and supports the body’s innate intelligence to heal itself.

* works on the whole body system and works right down to the cellular level.
* takes you out of your fight and flight response.
* works across all meridian lines.
* is great for children with concentration and focus problems all the way through to someone suffering physical impairment.
* helps to release trauma, whether recent or lifelong, from the body.

Fascia is linked to all parts of the body and sends the messages that Bowen Therapy taps into.
Thoughts become things so choose good ones.
There are metaphysical reasons besides some of the physical pains that we experience.
What Desley is grateful for:
Her family, health and knowledge gained on
What Desley feel needs to change to make the world a better place:
Nutrition, healthy food. Reconnection with children. Love and gratitude.
The advice Desley would give her younger self:
Don’t make it famous.
You can follow the Desley at the Brisbane Training and Healing Centre on Facebook: The Brisbane Training and Healing Centre.
And her website: http://www.brishealing.net.au
You can also call Desley on 07 3266 2666 and email: Desley@brishealing.net.au