My Best Friend the Rhino

My Best Friend the Rhino

MBFTR042: So You Want to be a Catholic – RCIA

March 01, 2016

What are the basic steps someone must take to enter the Catholic Church? As overwhelming as it may seem, becoming a Catholic is not as scary and hard as some may think. And it’s definitely worth taking a look into.  This episode is for anyone on the cusp of becoming Catholic or anyone who knows someone who is considering it. 

Listen to Episode

Show notes:
Who is the process for?

* The unbaptized (The primary focus of RCIA)
* Baptized but uncatechized (aka, Baptized as a child but then never taught the faith)
* Those seeking full Catholic Communion (those Baptized in another Christian denomination)

Stages of process:

* Precatechumenate
* Catechumenate
* Purification and Enlightenment
* Mystagogy

Questions to ask oneself:

* Are you familiar enough with Church teachings?
* Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God?
* Do you have faith in the Trinity, Mary, and transubstantiation?
* Have you read a good portion of the Bible?
* Have you tried praying?

