Finance Babe

Finance Babe

Latest Episodes

[MMM 4] All That Clutter Used To Be Money!!
February 26, 2019

Today I'm going to talk about our stuff and our environment.   I have learned that one of the keys to attract and manifest wealth into our lives is drum roll... getting rid of stuff! I know, hard to believe, but that is the case.  Decluttering!

[MMM 3] Why Women Need To Master Money Matters?
February 14, 2019

It has been proven that women financial needs are entirely different than men.  Also, we encounter various problems with money than men.  Most women don't trust financial advisors.  Financial Advisors don't speak women's financial or money

[MMM 2] Are You Ready To Manifest Your Goals in 2019
January 28, 2019

In this episode we are going to review 10 possible things that stopped us from achieving our goals last year.   Are you ready to manifest what you want in 2019? What do you really want? Are you wondering why you didn't achieve your goals in 2018? Do

[MMM 1]How Did I Get Here?
January 25, 2019

Hello Saranation!   Welcome to Mastering Money Matters first episode.   In here I will tell you a little bit about my journey on how I got to start this podcast.   I am sharing what is my vision and my mission and what it is in it for you.  This is just t
