Finance Babe

Finance Babe

Latest Episodes

#21: How to Create Smart Money Goals —Revealed! with Jen Fontanilla
January 19, 2022

Jen Fontanilla is a Certified Money Coach (CMC), speaker, and best-selling author of six books and has worked with organizations such as The Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros., Sony Studios, Target, Costco, Goodwill, and the U.S. Air Force. She has appear

Fears vs Breakthroughs
September 29, 2021

Have you ever gotten sick when you are about to do something big?  Or have you felt resistance when you are about to reach a breakthrough?  Sometimes when we are hitting the ceiling of success and we are about to break that ceiling, a feeling of

MMM12- The Different Types of Financial Managers
February 17, 2021

Money is sexy, profits are sexy, assets are sexy, therefore, we need to learn about who manage OUR money and the different options we have. Financial Managers fall into 4 different categories.  You want to learn what they are and the pros and cons of each

MMM11- How to deal with money triggers?
November 05, 2020

We all have things that trigger us.  Instead of acting on the trigger by overspending your money, learn what to do to be able to deal with them successfully.   In this episode we are going to be discussing:  What is a trigger? Where are

MMM10- 5 Budgeting Methods To Help You Get Back On Track
October 16, 2020

Did you get to the end of the month, but also to the end of the money?  Are you always wondering where is the money going and you don't have a reasonable explanation?  If this keeps happening, perhaps, it is time for you to consider creating a b

MMM9- Create a Financial Independence Lifestyle w/Martha Ramos
July 01, 2020

Learn how to become the CEO of your Life.  In this podcast, I am getting interviewed by Martha Ramos from Be The CEO. After several years in a successful Advertising career, she began to question her life's purpose and whether she was on the right pa

MMM8- The Entrepreneur's Freedom Code
July 01, 2020

Here are the links from our sponsors for today. What are the basic steps for financial success in your business? What are the habits or behaviors that hold most women

[MMM7] Setting Your Kids For Financial Success!
September 29, 2019

We all love our children and we want to give them the best.  However, sometimes we forget about their future.   Sometimes we think that they are too young or it is too early to set them up for success. Today, I am going to show you the smart way

[MMM 6] The 3 Keys To Wealth
March 31, 2019

If we ask people about what are the 3 keys to health, most likely they will answer right away and they will know the answer. Eat Healthy (nutritional meals) Exercise Rest (sleep) Now, when it comes to the 3 keys to wealth, there are a lot of differen

[MMM 5] How To Get Rid Of Your Student Loan?
March 26, 2019

The cost of a college degree keeps going up, but I am not sure if the value of a college degree is going up too. What do you think? Over the past decade, the prices at a University has increased to a point that more students are forced to get student loan
