The Marty Riemer Show

The Marty Riemer Show

#448 Just a Burning Pile by the Side of the Road

August 15, 2014

If your highly-rated show is ever taken off the air, come by ours and shout loudly until someone re-hires you (was that you, Jodi?). We have uncovered numerous musical gems in the history of the podcast, but none of them have rocked the Wazookle like Vaudeville Etiquette.

If you must, fast forward past the first 15 minutes of Marty reliving the opening of the Panama Canal while being berated by his former radio partner, and get right to the tunage. Vaudeville Etiquette is a 5-piece “boot-stompin’ ever-lovin’ rag tag group of rascals.” We didn’t coin the phrase, but dang nabbit, it fits. You can catch them live at Chinook Fest in Naches, September 13, 2014, or tonight at The Columbia City Theater.

Speaking of the hinterlands, we also meet Amy and Naomi who are preparing to embark on their first ever all-women’s, off-road rally in the deserts of Morocco. Nine days, all sand, French maps, no men. Sounds nice. Help them fund their amazing adventure, sponsor their ride by going to