Success Coach | Marty L. Ward

Success Coach | Marty L. Ward

So You Want to Make More Money

November 14, 2013

Currency of Life

Money is the external manifestation of your internal currency of life. Your internal Life Force is generated from your creativity center located in your gut. You have heard “Gut reaction.” “Listen to your gut.” That is because that is the place from which your intuition and your Talents, Abilities and Gifts (TAGs) are waiting to be expressed. 

When you lock away your TAGs  for “another day,”  the “right time,”  you are stopping the flow of our Life Force. Consequently, you are stopping the abundant flow of money into our bank account.  Ask yourself, “If I had 8 million dollars in my bank account, what would I LOVE to do?”  Would you write poetry, join the choir, go on a speaking tour, make a model airplane, build a cabinet, play the piano, write your book, invent a product, create a photo album, going belly dancing?  

What is it that you are denying yourself the pleasure of doing thinking it will take away from getting your “work” done. Surprise! It is in the pleasure of the expression of your creativity that your Life Force surges through your body. In the release, energy comes for the “taking care of business.” You feel more vital and alive and new ideas for your business come.

Unlock Your Treasure Chest

When you unlock your treasure chest of who you are by expressing your innate Abilities through your Talents and give the Gift of them to the world, important changes happen:

  1. Your will feel more fulfilled and satisfied with your life.
  2. You will feel more relaxed.  
  3. Feeling more fulfilled and relaxed and enjoying your life more, you are more attractive.
  4. Result: You will attract more clients.
  5. You will have more money flowing into your bank account. 

It is That Simple

Yes, it is THAT simple. The evidence is clear. It happens EVERY time my clients indulge themselves to express more of who they are. 

PS This is how clients are loosing weight too… When you honor and value your Talents, Abilities and Gifts, you are filling yourself up with YOU. You are less inclined to fill the emptiness up with food. When you let go of holding yourself back from the joy of who you actually are and express your TAGs, weight will be released.  Proof positive Listen to what Deborah has to say. 





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