Success Coach | Marty L. Ward

Success Coach | Marty L. Ward

Put Both Feet on the Gas

April 03, 2013

One Foot One the Gas and One on the Break

It is a scientific fact, what you resist persists. Have you noticed that? What you say you don’t want, that you can’t stand, that you hate most, keeps showing up? The harder you run from what you don’t want, the closer you come it. It is as if you had one foot on the gas and one on the break. You spin in a circle. The more you want business success, the further away it seems.

The  Universe is very generous that way. It will give you time after time to experience the same lesson over until you REALLY get the lesson you are avoiding. The longer you put the lesson off,  the more painful the lesson becomes. Why? Through the doorway of your greatest resistance is your greatest reward and the Universe wants you to have what it is you really want.

The pain is there only to awaken you to that aspect of yourself that is the exact thing that you need to develop and nurture to have what you desire. The greater your resistance, the greater the reward on the other side. Resistance is really your ally there to motivate you fulfill your greatest wish.

Allowing yourself to do the very thing that you are avoiding is how you overcome procrastination and have more pleasure in your life.

A Great Procrastination Tip

The truth is that resistance is suppressed pleasure! Imagine that. The pleasure of expressing who you are to your fullest.  When you feel resistant, you are disconnected from your abilities that are there waiting to be experienced.

Let’s say you are greatest desire is to have your message reaching more and more people, to make a name for yourself in your niche. Right now, let’s say what you are resisting is learning marketing. The ability you may be suppressing is your creativity, imagination, inventiveness that is lying dormant just waiting to be expressed in your unique way. Imagine the pleasure you could have  in taking the time to learn how to do Pinterest and find some fun pictures to post, or Facebook and make some great connections, or join a group on Linkedin and feel connected. Just one lesson at a time you could begin to unlock your creative expression. The reward? You could have both feet on the gas and see your business grow.

Ask Yourself

What am I resisting? _________________________

What is the reward I will receive if I allow myself the pleasure of doing _____________?

What potential would that unleash?__________________________

What other possibilities would open up for me? Monetarily?_____________Creatively?_______________Personally?_______________________

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Enjoy the FREE AUDIO  
What You Resist Persists to give more insights into just how to have what you really desire and to unleash your potential. For access to complete CD go to 21 Days to Empowerment Discover Your Power Within Business Strategies for the 21st Century

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