MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

Eight Truths You Can Use to Calm the Storm

March 21, 2017

As you live with someone for years, flaws and imperfections will repeatedly be displayed. When that happens, it is tempting to focus on making the other person change, but sometimes that effort repeatedly falls flat. That can be a signal that it is time to examine how you can stay steady inwardly even as your externals are not perfect. Something to Think about:  If you feel annoyed by your partner’s flaws, there is a high probability the same feeling is felt in reverse by the other person. Mature love is maintained by making accepting another person’s imperfections. Assertiveness and boundaries have a place in your response to frustrations, but ultimately you are in charge of your inner peace.   Let’s Talk Question: What ongoing imperfections do you need to accept in your mate, and in reverse, what imperfections does your mate need to accept in you?