Marriage for the WIN! | Marriage, Love, Relationships, Sex, Happiness, Romance, and Freedom

Marriage for the WIN! | Marriage, Love, Relationships, Sex, Happiness, Romance, and Freedom

Latest Episodes

E33: Daily tips for an easier marriage
April 02, 2018

Marriage is supposed to be simple. We talk about our tips that can help uncomplicate your relationship a little bit more every day.

E32: Solving money problems in marriage with attitude
March 26, 2018

Money can tear you apart or bring your marriage together. We talk about the most important ways to turn money into a bridge and not a wall in your marriage. We dive into a few do-able adjustments you can implement today to make a dramatic improvement...

E31: The best couples forget the past, live for today, and look forward to the future
March 19, 2018

Your happiness depends on how well you can leave the past behind, love your spouse today and get excited about your direction together.

E30: Good enough is not enough
March 12, 2018

It might be easy to fall into a relationship routine but great marriages need more than just enough. 

E29: Why risk and reward is key to a great marriage
March 04, 2018

No Risk No Reward! Your marriage depends on your ability to put your heart on the line. Not just when you get married but everyday after. It can be scary but the reward is the best!

E28: Your wedding vows, a marriage self check
February 26, 2018

We get out our wedding vows and read through them. Checking in on your vows is a powerful way to keep your marriage strong because your vows are living promises that are meant for everyday, not just for the ceremony.

E27: Will your marriage leave a legacy of Love?
February 19, 2018

We are super inspired to leave a lasting legacy and we talk about how your marriage can be one of the biggest things you can do to make a great impact on others. 

E26: Warmth and Strength
February 12, 2018

Happy Valentines day! In this episode we talk about couples desire to have warmth and strength in their spouse and how to have more in your marriage.

E25: Second marriage success tips
February 05, 2018

If you have been married previously and want to make the most of your second marriage we talk about the most important things you can do to set yourself up for success.

E24: Why marriage is still relevant
January 29, 2018

Have you heard that Marriage is outdated and no longer has a place in our modern lives? We totally disagree and talk about why it is still essential to live your best life.