The MarketPunch Podcast | The Podcast for Automotive Digital Marketing

The MarketPunch Podcast | The Podcast for Automotive Digital Marketing

#008: Unfiltered: Instagram in the Car Dealership with Aaron Wirtz [Podcast]

August 08, 2014

Welcome to Episode 8 of the MarketPunch Podcast! I'm excited to be joined once again by my first ever repeat guest of the MarketPunch Podcast, Aaron Wirtz, Marketing and Media Manager at Subaru of Wichita.

In this episode, Aaron and I will have a conversation about what you can do to be successful using Instagram in the dealership.

Aaron will share with you his creative insights that he's used to grow the Instagram account for Subaru of Wichita to visually tell the story of his dealership.
Enjoy The Show!

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MarketPunch Podcast Tip Of The Week
Before we bring in Aaron, let's take a look at another tip of the week.

Because we're talking Instagram in the dealership today, I wanted to share with you a 3rd party tool for managing your Instagram account that will make your life a bit easier.

It's a website called Iconosquare (formerly known as statigram) that's an all-in-one analytics & web viewer for your Instagram account.

Long before Instagram had a desktop component, Iconosquare filled the void by giving users a way to browse their Instagram feed from the comfort of their computer.

With Iconosquare you can do everything you can on the Instagram app except posting pictures:

Browse your main Instagram feed
Like and Comment on photos
Follow and unfollow users
Search on hashtags

But managing your Instagram account is just part of what Iconosquare can do. It also give you analytics on how your account is performing, hashtag optimization, custom snapshots that you can share, social media assets like custom Facebook timeline covers and business page tabs. All that and so much more.

I could go on and on about Iconosquare and everything it can do, but I need to get on to the interview with Aaron, so we can start talking Instagram in the Car Dealership.
Welcome Back Aaron Wirtz
I'm pumped up today to have Aaron Wirtz back on the MarketPunch Podcast. Aaron is the Media and Marketing Manager of Subaru of Wichita and if you've been following along at home, you may recall that Aaron was also the very first guest on the MarketPunch Podcast where we talked Social Media and Community Management in the Dealership.

With the ever shifting landscape of social media, I wanted to bring Aaron back on the show to get specific and talk about a social media network that's probably being under-utilized by car dealers today and what we can do to embrace it - and that's Instagram.
Why Car Dealers Should Be On Instagram
With over 200 million monthly active users who generate 1.6 billion 'likes' daily, the numbers tell a compelling reason why a car dealership would want to be on Instagram.

Number aside, Aaron feels the real opportunity for dealers getting involved on Instagram lies in it's simplicity to use.

The true power in Instagram is that it gives you a direct way to make real, lasting connections with people all over the country who are interested in the same things your company is.

Ultimately Instagram is a place where people go to love the things they love and share pictures of the things they love.

And make no mistake, there's a lot of people on Instagram who love cars. Whether it's a specific brand or certain type of car, you'll find a sizable audience on Instagram who you can attract to your own brand.
We're Hard Wired For Visual Marketing
Communicating by way of pictures is Hundreds of thousands of years old over 40,000 years old. Processing an image or a picture is something that human beings are naturally adept at doing.

Why? Because 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and because of this visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text.

Which brings us right back to today and what makes Instagram so powerful. Visual content is easily shareable and consumable by just about anyone on the planet.
Low Adoption Rate From Car Dealers?