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This American Life’s – The Psychopath Test

May 28, 2012

This week's intriguing podcast is from one of the best story telling Podcasts in the World, it's called "This American Life".  Hosted by Ira Glass, the This American Life Podcast is one of the highest rated podcasts on iTunes and one of my personal favorites.  It doesn't focus on business or marketing in general but more so great stories and even better story tellers.  Every week there are different experts interviewed which makes for a very entertaining as well as educational podcast.

The episode you're about to listen to is called "The Psychopath Test" I thought it was a fascinating look at the world of Psychopathy.  The questions on the test, the man who can't get out of prison because of failing a test, and the sadistic CEO that borders on the line of psychopathy, this episode will have you on the edge of your seat throughout.

Definitely a must listen.

Running time: 1:01:18
This American Life's - The Psychopath Test