Marketing Homebrew Podcast – The ID Group

Marketing Homebrew Podcast – The ID Group

Show 134: How to create a new routine to communicate regularly with your audience

May 26, 2017

When you create ongoing processes, it is far better than just turning up once in a while.
When you create routines, they can be very powerful. It is what has helped us to get stuck into 134 shows.
Over time, the right routines can be key contributors to your business success. You can’t just ask people to subscribe, if you don’t have any proof for people to delve in deeper and read articles, watch videos or listen to audio, that cements your role within the marketplace.
Look at it this way, you can’t write Mr. Men one week and Harry Potter the next. Every day you can work to be a little better than the day before.
When you start to discover a routine, you have a better chance of building an audience who will stick by you.
To build your audience, you need to have a straightforward strategy in place. This is to have the ability to come back to a place time and time again, that doesn’t waiver from the beliefs that align with what you do. If you can do this constantly even when you don’t feel like, or less inspired as you was the previous week, you have a ritual in place.
If you stop, someone else is ready to take the baton.  If you keep going, you’ll always be ahead of someone else. Where would you rather be? Finding rituals and sticking to them, helps others to recognise that you are here for the long haul.