Marketing Experts Cafe

Marketing Experts Cafe

How To Manage Your Time As An Entrepreneur

November 03, 2014

Are you overwhelmed, overstressed and feel challenged with not having enough time?

Keeping the right balance of work, rest and personal activities is vital for the success of an entrepreneur. 

In this episode you will discover how to manage your time to be both productive and enjoy your days while building your business empire.

There are three types of main activities in your business, one creates the potential to earn income, the other one activates that potential so you actually make the money and the last is where most entreprenuers spend their time on which is actually the place that you should spend the least amount of time on to build a successful business.

You can also call the show at 917-889-8011 to ask your questions form Iman Aghay the host of the show directly, weekdays from Noon to 1pm (PST).