Dan Nedelko

Dan Nedelko

Latest Episodes

The True Cost of Hiring vs. Partnering with Professional Services for Small Businesses
December 08, 2023

I often hear in many different different business, the idea of building a team versus hiring a professional services provider and a trusted partner. A few things to keep in mind: Take into acco

The Drive – Business and Growth with Dan Nedelko
November 25, 2023

Welcome back to The Drive with me, Dan Nedelko. Join me to learn about Business and Growth for Small Business. It's practical, snackable, pragmatic and hopefully helpful. In this welcome back epis

Planning for marketing versus a marketing plan
June 27, 2019

Planning for marketing versus a marketing plan I've decided to resurrect my podcast in order to be more relevant to a wider audience, in addition to it being easier and more convenient for me to record a short ten to fifteen minutes podcast on my drive...

Planning for marketing versus a marketing plan
June 27, 2019

Planning for marketing versus a marketing plan I've decided to resurrect my podcast in order to be more relevant to a wider audience, in addition to it being easier and more convenient for me to record a short ten to fifteen minutes podcast on my drive...

Practical PPC and AdWords Optimizations : The Marketing Drive ep 18
June 14, 2016

10 AdWords and PPC optimizations you can implement right now. These tips are perfect for PPC marketers, or business owners and marketing teams who hire PPC consultants or agencies.

Mapping Marketing Strategies & Tactics : The Marketing Drive ep 17
June 13, 2016

Marketing strategies and tactics are often confused. Here are some tips that will help you to lay out Marketing strategies clearly, assigning tactics to them, then completing the circle by integrating

Facebook Groups The Feature No One Really Talks About : The Marketing Drive ep 16
June 06, 2016

Facebook has been on a tear recently, they're definitely on track to "eat the world". I've found that Facebook also sports one of the highest conversion rates of all channels when you've developed an

Sweet Little Marketing Lies : The Marketing Drive ep 15
June 03, 2016

It’s easy to sugar coat our marketing campaign results. No one *likes* reporting on less than “up and to the right” results. As Marketers, we have to be careful not believe our own sweet little lies...

Sweet Little Marketing Lies : The Marketing Drive ep 15
June 03, 2016

Its easy to sugar coat our marketing campaign results. No one *likes* reporting on less than up and to the right results. As Marketers, we have to be careful not believe our own sweet little lies..
