The Maritime History Podcast

The Maritime History Podcast

Latest Episodes

Halloween Ep. - The Ghost Ship by Richard Middleton
October 28, 2017

Welcome to our third annual Halloween special here at the Maritime History Podcast. Rather than choose a grim, frightening, or eery tale, this year I felt that a more lighthearted fare was in order. This story was written by an Englishman named...

032 - The Letdown at Lade
September 20, 2017

If Episode 031 covered the heady, opening stages of the Ionian Revolt, then today's episode covers the denouement and rather anticlimactic conclusion of the revolt. At the start of the episode we follow Aristagoras as he goes on a recruiting trip...

031 - A Persian Navy, an Ionian Revolt
August 13, 2017

In today's episode we begin our look at the events that directly contributed to the beginnings of the Greco-Persian War. After a brief summation of the events that brought the early Persian Empire into contact with the Ionian Greeks, we take a look at...

030 - Trireme 101: How to Build, Sail, and Ram and Ancient Greek Warship
June 03, 2017

Today we have a lengthy primer focused only on the trireme. After a jaunt through some of the evidence related to when the trireme first came into use on the seas of ancient Greece and the Near East we then take a deep dive into the numerous...

029 - Trade with Egypt, Conflict with Carthage
March 27, 2017

In this installment, we continue to follow the Greeks as they expand yet further. Our first destination is Egypt, where the Greek emporion at Naukratis was set up by a diverse group of mercenaries and traders. The recently discovered port of...

028 - Unlocking the Pontus Euxinus
January 30, 2017

In today's installment, we'll tell a tale of two cities in one sense. The age of colonization in Greece had an early leader in the island of Euboea, but as the Euboeans were stretched thin, Corinth and Miletus rose to become the leaders of Greek...

Halloween Ep. 2.0 - Manuscript Found in a Bottle by Edgar Allan Poe
October 31, 2016

Welcome to our second annual Halloween special here at the Maritime History Podcast. This year I opted for a nautical tale by the ever-popular American author of the macabre, Edgar Allan Poe. Some people love this tale, some hate it, but no matter...

027 - Odysseus Builds a Boat
October 29, 2016

Today we fill in some gaps concerning Greek colonization, looking first at the founding of colonies along the eastern coast of Sicily. The Greeks colonized by force more so than did the Phoenicians, so we'll draw some distinctions there and see how...

026 - Sailing Advice from Hesiod, the Farmer-Poet
September 18, 2016

At long last we make first contact with the Greeks! Today we try to cover the earliest periods of Greek colonization and expansion into the central Mediterranean. Hesiod's writings can give us some insight into the socio-economic conditions in Greece...

025 - Carthage: A New (City) Hope
July 15, 2016

This week we follow the fleeing Elissa, princess of Tyre, to Qart-ḥadašt, the "New City" that would come into wider fame as Carthage. We start with some talk of the mythical founding of Carthage, some conjecture about when the city was...