An Anarchy of Mental Wellness

An Anarchy of Mental Wellness

Nothing Lasts Forever

May 06, 2016

In this Put Your Healing Mask on First video series,
Bob suggests that for mental wellness to really take shape one must
come to an understanding that nothing lasts forever.
A great vacation, great meal with friends, the loss of a job,
death of a dream eventually end. The pain, happiness, sadness, fear
and joy associated with live events fades.
In order to optimize your healing and develop effective and
health psychological fitness skills, we need to remember that
nothing lasts forever. Healing begins also immediately and
automatically in reality, things change.
When we become so focused on something 'lasting forever' we get
suck, healing stops or worse yet regresses. And remember that
choosing to believe that something will last forever, will never
ever change...that's a choice. And active choice.