An Anarchy of Mental Wellness

An Anarchy of Mental Wellness

The Power of "How You Interpret the World"

April 27, 2016

Hello again everyone and welcome to The Grumpy Gator Cafe'
Today's podcast episode looks at the power of the mind as it interprets the world around us. From being a winner to a loose or zero to hero to zero in a split second. Hell on Earth people is truly between the ears.
Often the difference between mental wellness and mental horror and trauma is the manner in which we thinking about and apply meaning and significance to the every day events of our world.
Bob was haunted by a toilet. And not being very mechanical his mind took him on a roller coaster ride of epic cognitive proportions. His interpretations of a leaky flapper valve led to him believing that he was a looser.
And that's not true. Read his books, listen to the podcast and even watch his videos...he is NO LOOSER. He's a winner.
And reading this blurb will help Bob believe that he's a winner.
The mind is powerful.