Many Paths

Many Paths

Karen Tong, swing dancing with rainboots

April 15, 2014

A regular Wednesday night in Hong Kong

Join Karen Tong and me as we explore her winding journey. We discover the joyful world of Swing Dancing in Asia – from early beginnings in Hong Kong to more than 100 people dancing each week. She reminisces about the challenges of making a splash as an entrepreneur starting a rain-boots retail business and balancing her passions with a successful career as a lawyer.

We reflect on the deep urgency that drove Karen in her early 20s and why becoming a mother has changed her perspective on happiness. It has left Karen feeling more present in the moment.

These divergent paths are all connected, making for a very interesting life full of fun and learning. Hope you enjoy listening!

If you are in town check out the Hong Kong Swing dancing events at

This interview is 18 minutes and 26 seconds long.